Dan, Sorin

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PhD in Social Sciences (Public Management)
Nuorempi apulaisprofessori
Public management, Public sector reform, Digital transformation in the public sector
517 Valtio-oppi, hallintotiede, 520 Muut yhteiskuntatieteet
englanti, romania, ranska, hollanti

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Toiminnan kuvaus
Dr. Sorin Dan (PhD in Public Management, KU Leuven, Belgium) is Assistant Professor in Public Management (tenure-track) in the School of Management at the University of Vaasa, Finland, Finland where he teaches in administrative sciences and conducts research on public management reforms and digital transformation in the public sector. He has offered consultancy services to the OECD and the European Commission and has authored over 30 publications. Sorin Dan’s research has appeared in various journals including Public Management Review, International Journal of Health Policy and Management, International Journal of Public Sector Management, Public Policy and Administration or Public Performance & Management Review. He is the co-author of Digital Talent Management: Insights from the Information Technology and Communication Industry (2021) and the author of The Coordination of European Public Hospital Systems: Interests, Cultures and Resistance (2017), both published by Palgrave Macmillan.

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