Mouazan, Erwan

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Academic degree
Senior Researcher
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Fields of science
512 Business and management

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Description of activity
Erwan Mouazan, PhD in Business Administration, is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Vaasa, Finland. Beyond Academia, Erwan has 20 years' experience in sustainability consultancy for public and private organizations. He combines practice with research focusing on circular business model innovation. Erwan has developed various capacity-building programmes around sustainability and circularity through different European Commission founded projects. He regularly lectures at Master's degree and MBA levels. RESEARCH INTERESTS Erwan's research is situated in the fields of sustainability, business model innovation and business networks. His works has focused on exploring the challenges related to the transition to a circular economy from a business model innovation perspective. Currently, he's studying reusable packaging systems in FMCG sector, focusing on the role of rapid experiments in circular business model innovation as well as circular ecosystem governance.

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