Piekkola, Hannu Tapani

Description of activity
Research I am the Head of the Economic Research Group. I was coordinator of large scale EU Horizon 2020 project GLOBALINTO www.globalinto.eu and EU 7th framework project INNODRIVE 2008-2011 that analyzed European growth and built micro and macro-level estimates of intangibles in EU27 area. Other EU projects include AGIR, AHEAD, AIM EU 6th and 5th framework projects in Enepri network (www.enepri.org) and ActivAge project. My current research interests focus on innovations and investments on them - more specifically intangible capital, urbanization, environmental investments at company level and European competitiveness. Teaching I teach on macroeconomics, macroprudential policy, public economics and Finnish Economy and European Integration. Teaching is based on empirical research on Finnish Economy using linked employer-employee data. In my teaching I emphasize the importance of innovations and also the important role of public sector to support the business environment.

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