Rossi, Paula Maaria

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Academic degree

Hallintotieteiden tohtori / PhD (Admin.)






Phone number

+358 29 449 8542

Fields of expertise

public management, value creation, conflicts, public service ecosystems, public policy, complexity-thinking, qualitative methods, participatory systems mapping

Fields of science

517 Political science, 512 Business and management

Language skills

Finnish, English, German, Swedish

Description of research and teaching:

I work as a postdoctoral researcher in Public Management (School of Management, Public Policy and Governance research group). At the core of my teaching and research activities is understanding the phenomena under study by utilizing a complex and dynamic approaches, aiming to explore how individuals and groups of actors make decisions and take actions in complex governance systems. Particularly, I am focusing on the implementation of public policies aimed at fostering sustainable welfare ecosystems and increasing the wellbeing of service users and citizens.

Expert activity