Ovaska, Teemu

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Academic degree
D.Sc. (Energy Technology)
University Teacher
Fields of expertise
piston engines, exhaust emissions (esp. particles), exhaust aftertreatment, alternative liquid fuels
Fields of science
222 Other engineering and technologies
Language skills
Finnish, English
Phone number
+358 29 449 8161

Personal links

Description of activity
Teaching interests: Teaching tasks that support the field of energy technology; Research interests: 1) Effects of different lubricants and alternative fuels on exhaust particle emissions in diesel engines, 2) Exhaust aftertreament systems in diesel engines; Dissertation: Ovaska, Teemu (2020): Exhaust Particle Numbers of High- and Medium-Speed Diesel Engines with Renewable and Recycled Fuels. Acta Wasaensia 451. Doctoral dissertation. University of Vaasa.

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