Uusikylä, Petri Juhani

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Academic degree

Doctor of Social Sciences (University of Helsinki), Docent (University of Eastern Finland)






Sosiaali- ja terveyshallintotiede

Fields of expertise

Public Policy, complexity theory, systems change, social network analysis, public governance, law drafting, evaluation

Fields of science

517 Political science, 5141 Sociology, 513 Law

Description of research and teaching:

Petri Uusikylä (Doctor of Social Sciences, Docent) has over 25 years experience in public policy related research, capacity building and evaluation. He is co-founder and director at Frisky & Anjoy. Dr. Uusikylä is ex-chairman of the of the Finnish Section of the International Institute for Administrative Sciences IIAS and Board Member of the Finnish Evaluation Society. He has a comprehensive list of publications in the fields of innovation policy, regulatory impact assessment, public budgeting, policy evaluation, systems analysis, complexity and methodology as well as European policy-making and public managements reform and development aid. He has also been government adviser on public policy evaluation, EU-policy making and performance management for several EU Member States and OECD-countries. He is specialized in public policy design and deliberative methods and social experimentation. He has facilitated more than 250 strategy and policy design workshops, working groups and innovation labs.

Expert activity