Juszczyk, Oskar

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Academic degree

D.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration


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Fields of expertise

Industrial Management; Renewable Energy; Technology Diffusion; Innovation Management; Sustainable Development

Fields of science

1172 Environmental sciences, 511 Economics, 512 Business and management

Language skills

Polish, English, French, Italian

Description of research and teaching:

Post-Doctoral Researcher in the Industrial Management Department at School of Technology and Innovations of the University of Vaasa. He holds a DSc in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Vaasa, a MSc in Economics and Organization of Enterprises from Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS-SGGW), Poland, and Paris 13 Sorbonne University, France. His main research focus is the commercialization of renewable energy technologies, energy transition policies, innovative energy technologies related to digitalization, strategic and operational management tools as well as the intersectoral collaboration supporting the implementation of sustainable energy solutions.

Expert activity