Kork, Anna-Aurora

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Academic degree

Hallintotieteiden tohtori




Sosiaali- ja terveyshallintotiede

Fields of expertise

knowledge in policymaking, reform policy, social impact management, responsiveness, healthcare management

Fields of science

517 Political science

Language skills

Finnish, English, Swedish, German, Italian

Description of research and teaching:

Anna-Aurora Kork (PhD in Administrative Sciences) is an Associate Professor in Social and Health management in School of Management. Her research interests include public policy, improvement of health and social services and dynamics of reform policy. She is currently studying social impact management in the Finnish wellbeing services counties and the mechanisms of institutional change in reforming public services. Previously, Kork has been working on various research and development projects focused on public sector management, performance and impact evaluation, interaction and value co-creation in healthcare decision-making.

Expert activity